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Hey there,

a little bit about me.......

My journey

I have had a few different career paths. I spent 14yrs as a flight attendant with a domestic airline in my younger days. I then 'got serious' and completed a Bachelor of Science degree. I was employed in several different roles in National Parks - as a Ranger,  Community Engagement Project Officer and a Visitor Safety Project Officer.


I trained in Mental Health First Aid to undertake the role of Peer Supporter to NPWS fire fighters and first responders during fires and other events. As a Peer Supporter I was also available to staff who needed support during times of struggle in their work or home life.  During COVID I offered a weekly online meditation class to support staff working from home.


I am now a Mindfulness Coach, mother and  grandmother.


My personal mindfulness journey began in 2015 when I was really struggling in my professional and personal life. I was stressed, overwhelmed, anxious and sleep deprived. After practicing mindfulness meditation for a couple of years I attended a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course in 2017.  


Practicing mindfulness  changed the way I viewed and lived my life. It brought a sense of peace and calm into the chaos. It improved my self awareness and self regulation and I gained the clarity and confidence to live my life with more purpose and integrity. I believe the 'tools' that my practice has given me allows me to navigate this thing called life with more ease and resilience.


In 2019  I signed up to do my MBSR teacher training with the Mindfulness Training Institute of Australia. After nearly 30 years working for Government I have decided to follow my heart and share the gift of mindfulness with others.




+61 493 827 365



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