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Mindfulness Programs

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are:
“Paying attention, in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.”

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

MBSR brings the principles of mindfulness meditation into everyday life by teaching specific skills and practices to help break cycles of anxiety, stress, unhappiness and exhaustion. It can be beneficial for adults, adolescents and children, healthcare professionals, as well as for different health-related outcomes including eating disorders,  pain management, sleep disorders,  psychological distress and for coping with other health-related conditions.


MBSR is different from many other mindfulness offerings in terms of dedicated attention with a teacher, time spent in actual practice and the transformative power of the experience with other people in the group. It is delivered over eight weeks and involves: 

  • An individual phone interview, and ongoing individual support from your teacher

  • A 2.5 hour class, over eight weeks, plus one full retreat day

  • Mindfulness meditation and body awareness training

  • An exploration of your own patterns and how to transform them

  • Good conversations about things that matter

  • Scientific rationale for the practice


If you live in the Illawarra you can attend a class at a local venue or join an online program. Check the course dates page for the next available course.




a person walking through a rock labarith near the ocean
a sign with the word mindfulness

Mindfulness for Corporates

Harvard Business Review, 2015


Mindfulness is a "must-have": a way to keep our brains healthy, to support self-regulation and effective decision-making, and to protect ourselves from toxic stress.


There are a couple of options you may wish to consider to support employee wellbeing. 

  1. A face to face or online 1/2 day introduction to mindfulness workshop

  2. A weekly/fortnightly or monthly online mindfulness meditation class


Mind Your Busyness will custom design a program to meet your organisational and individual employee needs.



Mindfulness for individuals

If you are not comfortable attending group mindfulness training (MBSR) or your lifestyle makes it difficult to commit on a regular basis you may wish to consider a custom designed program to fit your individual needs.




A woman walking through shallow water on a sandy beach
A person meditating on a rock overlooking a scenic canyon

Something else?

Perhaps you are considering offering a wellness program to your clients or club, such as forest bathing or equine therapy, and would like to include mindfulness elements? 

Contact me to discuss your ideas and how we can collaborate to deliver your wellness program.




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